Nutella French Toast Recipe

Try this easy and quick version of the famous French toast made more special with a loaded Nutella filling that will surely please your hungry stomach.

Nutella French Toast Recipe
Left-over Baked Sweet Snack

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes

Origin of the dish

French Nutella Toast is just one of the many variations of the famous French Toast. It is made of white bread with a generous amount of Nutella filling, rolled and tossed over a mixture of milk, egg and vanilla extract. Set in the fridge for 3 hours then toasted in the oven for 30 minutes or you can fry it over a frying pan with butter.

There are a lot of theories about the origin of the French toast. However, the earliest listed version has been traced back to the Roman Empire. The name French toast was believed to have been used first in England dating back to 17th century. In France, the dish is called pain perdu which means “lost bread”, because it uses stale bread or to-be thrown away bread which are then made into a whole new dish. Tastier and better.

When is it typically served?

French toast is one of the most popular dishes in the world, especially in France. This dish is traditionally served during breakfast on a French or American regular meal. It is typically served with butter or powdered sugar, but the possibility is endless. Common toppings are Nutella, powdered sugar, jam, maple syrup or peanut butter. But you can in fact, serve it with anything.

Kitchen Utensils You Will Need

The kitchen utensils needed in making a good Nutella French Toast are the following:

  • Oven/Frying pan
  • Spatula
  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Baking pan
  • Aluminum foil
  • Fork
  • Serving plate

Nutella French Toast’s Primary Ingredients – White bread and Nutella.

As we all know, a soft white bread is the most appropriate type of bread needed in making a delicious French toast since it’s soft and fluffy and does the best job in soaking the egg and milk mixture.

Nutella, on the other hand makes your French toast taste way better. It is a sweetened hazelnut spread used as filling and toppings on French toast. This for sure is one of the best toppings among the endless list of French Toast toppings. The oozing delicious Nutella filling in each bite is surely a wonderful meal experience.

Interesting Facts

  • Making the perfect recipe of the famous Nutella is what makes Michele Ferrero one of the richest man in Italy in 2008.
  • Nutella uses ¼ of the hazelnut supply in the world.
  • November 28th is National French Toast Day!

Tips and Tricks

  • Always let the bread set in the egg mixture inside the fridge for a couple of hours or you may soak it overnight for a frothy smooth mix.
  • You can pan fry a French toast or toast in the oven for a couple of minutes.
  • Milk is an optional ingredient in making French toast. You can even use whisked egg alone.


  • 4 slices white bread
  • Nutella
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 butter


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the eggs, milk and vanilla extract. Then give a good whisk. Set aside.

  2. Prepare the white bread. Spread a good amount of Nutella onto the bread and roll it. Repeat process to all the remaing breads.

    Nutella French Toast Recipe
  3. Dip the bread rolls onto the milk mixture. Let it absorb the mixture.

  4. Rub the baking pan with butter. Put the bread rolls into the baking pan.

    Nutella French Toast Recipe
  5. Pour the remaining milk mixture into the baking pan.Refrigerate for 3 hours.

    Nutella French Toast Recipe
  6. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes.

    Nutella French Toast Recipe
  7. Remove from the oven. Transfer in a serving plate and top with nutella or any fruit jam. Serve and enjoy to your stomach's content!

    Nutella French Toast Recipe

It’s a delicious way to start your day! Get your breakfast solved with a delicious Nutella French toast. Don’t make another day of plain French toast. Give it a better taste with an oozing Nutella filling. And it’s a perfect dish for a good day-starter. I mean, who wouldn’t love waking up to a sweet and crispy French toast. It’s a love language after all.